Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Babes Perform

The "Babes with Batons" performed last night. It was so good!!! The little girls did a great job!!! So did my Jr. High and HS Lines. We ended up with 51 girls that took part in the camp. Taelor is the one with the big pink bow in her hair (you have to dress the part!). She's got a natural ability for twirling and it's a little scary. She's never actually "taken a lesson" from me other than at camp. She does watch me teach, however, and it's amazing what she's picked up just from watching lessons.
The rest of the family is doing well. Addi is enjoying have me all to herself while Taelor is at school and I can really say that not babysitting anymore has been a blessing. I've really enjoyed getting to do more with Addi and help more at Taelor's class. And, I'm a more pleasant person when Jake gets home from work, too.
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