Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Slowly, but surely

Ok, I am new to this whole blog thing! I have really enjoyed reading Chrissy & Larissa's blogs and I know that they really enjoy blogging. So I'm going to give this thing a try. It's very odd to be typing words for anyone and everyone to read whenever they want, but also a fun way to share what's going on with so many friends at once.
Please be patient as I get this thing set up. I don't know if I technologically smart enough to do this!!! Hopefully the entire thing will be up and running by the end of the Christmas Holidays.
I hope that this provides a way to reconnect with some college buddies and friends that I only get to see once a year at Master Follies/Homecoming. It's really sad that our lives become so busy that we don't get a chance to say hello to people that mean so much to us.
So, slowly but surely, I'm coming into the blogging lifestyle!!!


Anonymous said...

I love the design. Very cute. Blogging is just like everything else, trial and error. Looks like you are off on the right foot.

Larissa said...

Yea Cheri!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm reading your diary!